2017 Playscapes Catalog

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Little Critters AMH-CRIT $539

Moving Images Flip Blocks AMH-SST253 $652

Two-sided tiles create memory and matching fun. Use visual mapping and patterning skills in order to pair images with Food Match Up and Little Critters, or improve reading skills by matching animal name to holographic image with Moving Images Flip-Flop Blocks. Attach panels to wall or Locomotive Train and Caboose Activity Center. Mounting panel and hardware included. Size: 18 Ø w x 28 ØK [ ØG

Food Match Up AMH-VEG $539

Space Ship AMH-SPACE $439

Sea World AMH-SEA $439

Soar through space or dive through the ocean along one curvy track to another. Attach panels to wall, Locomotive Train and Caboose Activity Center or Fun Island. Hardware included. Size: 18 Ø w x 28 ØK [ ØG


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