2019 Playscapes Catalog
Framed Magic Panels 20-MGC* $309 Heat sensitive panel responds to the warmth of your hand and changes color. 22”h x 15”w *Choose theme code
Activities that Educate & Engage
Framed Mirrors 20-FMR* $299 22”h x 15”w *Choose theme code
See playscapes.com for more designs.
008 007 006 005
012 011
Order Online playscapes.com
A | 20-DRS-001
B | 20-MYP-100
C | 20-COM-101
See p. 3 for matching island!
E | 20-GRS-001
D | 20-LBR-100
Adventure Road 20-DRS-001 $524 Excite with wheels, gears, dials, and a scene
MyPlate Match Up Wall Game 20-MYP-100 $429 Match the food characters to the food groups. 22”h x 22”w
Community Garden 20-COM-101 $429 Apple, banana, and broccoli puzzle pieces can be moved through- out the garden. 22”h x 22”w
Lucky Labyrinth 20-LBR-100 $399 Three marbles move through challenging maze as the panel is turned. 30”h x 31”w
Wondergear Wall Activity
A |
B |
C |
D |
E |
20-GRS-001 $899 Manipulate gears and magnets to move discs into their home positions in this strategic activity. 22”h x 22”w
that moves. 22”h x 22”w
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